Python Coding Guidelines

Most of our python guidelines are enforced by various linters. We are currently using isort, pycodestyle and pylint - oh my! We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the settings.

Python Version

All of our python code targets Python 3 exclusively. We don't offer support for Python 2 at all.

We try to target the oldest supported Python 3 version, which is currently 3.7. Exceptions can be granted on a per-project basis to use a newer version if certain features are required.

File / Directory Layout

When creating a python project, we make use of python modules. If a project is producing a single executable, the executable code should be in

If a python file contains a single class, the file should be named after the class and be UpperCamelCase. If a python file contains utility functions, the file should be given a descriptive name and be snake_case.

We expect parallel source and test directory hierarchies. For example,

  - parser  # package name, directory containing source code
    -  # optional for executables  # contains class Parser
    - ast
      -  # contains various exports

  - tests  # directory containing tests for source code
    -  # unit tests for parser/
    - ast
      -  # unit tests for parser/ast/


Most naming rules are enforced by lint, but for avoidance of doubt:

  1. Class names should be UpperCamelCase.

  2. Constants should be TITLE_CASE.

  3. Everything else should be snake_case.

Private function and member names should be prefixed with a single underscore (_). Such functions should never be imported by other modules nor accessed outside of the containing class.