Step-by-step tutorials on how to use the tools, integrate Symbol with other technologies, and combine the built-in features to architect solutions.
Create a new Symbol account to start sending and receiving transactions.
Get the public key and balance of an account.
Get the complete list of transactions involving an account.
Check the number of asset units you have sent to an account.
It should come as no surprise that cryptocurrency users are targeted by a wide variety of scammers, hackers, and thieves. While some attempts may come in familiar forms such as impersonation or misinformation, the digital nature of cryptocurrencies opens the door to a number of novel approaches. This page is intended to help you ensure the security of your assets by explaining a number of common scams and security considerations. This list is by no means comprehensive, and you are strongly encouraged to research the topic further for the sake of your wallet’s security.
The Ledger Nano S and X are hardware wallets that support multiple cryptocurrencies, including Symbol.
Learn how to add and remove account restrictions.
Get the list of account’s restrictions.
Send transactions to different accounts at the same time, using aggregate transactions.
Learn about aggregate bonded transactions creating an escrow contract.
Create a bot to cosign automatically transactions that require your account’s signature.
Cosign aggregate transactions pending to be signed.
This guide will show you how to add cosignatures to an aggregate complete transaction without using the partial cache.
Get the block information given a height.
Get notified when a new block is included.
Different values regarding the total supply of symbol.xym
are available in real-time, through REST endpoints on any Symbol API node. Click on each endpoint below for an example.
Trade tokens between different blockchains without using an intermediary party in the process.
There is a large number of node-related settings that can be customized in Symbol.
Share your account’s importance securely with a node and get rewarded.
Share your account’s importance securely with a node and get rewarded.
Harvest new blocks through a proxy account for added security.
Add custom data to an account.
Add custom data to a namespace.
Add custom data to a mosaic.
Get the list of metadata entries attached to an account.
Get the list of metadata entries attached to an namespace.
Get the list of metadata entries attached to an mosaic.
Update any existent metadata entry.
With Symbol, most of the previously available NIS1 features have evolved. This document will help you upgrade your application’s previous NIS1 features to the newly available Symbol technology.
Handy snippet to announce a transaction and wait until this is confirmed.
Tokenize an asset using mosaics.
If a mosaic was created with the “Supply Mutable” property, you can make more tokens or reduce the total supply.
Get the ownership, divisibility, duration, and flags for a given mosaic identifier.
Limit how accounts can transact with Mosaic Restrictions.
Allow another account to add restrictions to your mosaics.
Get the list of mosaic global restrictions.
Get the list of mosaic address restrictions.
This guide will show you how to setup a joint account.
This guide will show you how to remove a cosignatory from a multisig account.
This guide will show you how to increase and decrease the minimum number of signatures needed to execute a multisig transaction.
This guide will show you how to add a new cosignatory to a multisig account.
This guide will show you how to connect multiple multisig accounts to achieve advanced on-chain authorization logic.
This guide will show you how to issue transactions from a multisig account.
Create a unique name to identify your assets.
Once you have a registered root namespace, you can create up to 3
levels of subnamespaces to organize your assets.
Alias an address with a namespace so that others can reference the account in a more friendly way when issuing transactions.
Alias an mosaic with a namespace so that others can reference it in a more friendly way when issuing transactions.
Get the ownership and duration for a given namespace identifier.
This guide shows you how to extend the rental period of a namespace.
This guide will walk you through the process of setting up your own private network using Symbol.
This guide walks you through the process of setting up a node to join Symbol’s public network.
There is a large number of node-related settings that can be customized in Symbol.
There is a large number of network-related settings that can be customized in Symbol.
Learn how to access your API node’s MongoDB instance.
How to use this handy node deployment tool.
This guide walks you through the process of setting up a node to join Symbol’s network without using Symbol Bootstrap.
How to run a Symbol node with added security.
How to relinquish control of a node’s main account to an external account, so that the external account’s private key is never required in the node setup process.
How to keep your Symbol node up and running healthily.
Get the resolution for a given alias and transaction using receipts.
Define, sign, and announce a transfer transaction.
Send an encrypted message that only can be read by the recipient account.